Gilda’s Club Kentuckiana is named in memory of Saturday Night Live star Gilda Radner. When diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1986, Gilda found support with Psychotherapist Joanna Bull who believed in a correlation between emotional and physical well-being. Understanding how important the experience was to her treatment, it was Gilda’s dream to develop communities where no one would ever have to face cancer alone. In 1995, her husband, actor Gene Wilder, along with family and friends, founded the first Gilda’s Club in New York City in her honor. Click on the link to learn more about how you can get connected in one of over 180 monthly virtual programs.
Friend for Life helps people diagnosed with cancer and their loved ones navigate the path through diagnosis, treatment and recovery by pairing them with a trained survivor of a similar experience so they can face cancer with someone who's been there. This organization is based out of Louisville, Kentucky. Visit their website to learn how you can get connected.
Located in Murray, Kentucky, Bridges Family Center provides counseling to children, adults, and families. The mental health of patients, caregivers, and family members plays a crucial role in the healing of cancer patients. The counselors at Bridges Family Center can get you the help you need.
Because this organization does SO much, we struggled to know which category to list it in! Paul Corder, a Journey Bags board member, had personal experience with Livestrong when he found himself in his early 20s, days from his wedding, just graduating college, no insurance, and facing a cancer diagnosis. Livestrong assisted Paul with everything from financial grants to fertility advice and more. Livestrong even covered 100% of Paul and his wife's medication expenses for their first round of IVF! We all know that some of the national organizations feel far away, and we don't see them do things on a local level. However; we know firsthand that Livestrong shows up when one of our own is in need.

A Breast Cancer Support Group meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at various restaurants in Murray, Kentucky. For more information about this group, you may contact Evelyn Wallis at 270.978.0693.